Relationship Between Food and Environmental Allergies

Hello Everyone, 
We are right in the midst of spring allergy season and I am seeing many patients with watery, red, itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, sinusitis, asthma, fatigue and brain fog.  For many allergy sufferers, there is a temptation to reach for a an antihistamine medication and just hang on until the season passes.  What I have noticed however, is that for some of you, identifying food sensitivities and eliminating those foods that the immune system is reactive to can reduce the total load on the immune system so that seasonal allergy symptoms are much less.  This seems to be especially important for those who are experiencing more severe or persistent allergy symptoms, sinusitis and asthma.  I have been using a blood test for food sensitivities from a lab called US Biotek for over 18 years and have found their results to be extremely helpful in identifying foods that are causing an immune response.  There can be many other benefits from eliminating food sensitivities including improvement in many digestive conditions, chronic inflammatory conditions and much more. 

Contact us if you have questions about allergies or food sensitivity testing or would like to schedule an appointment!