Women’s Annual Exams:  The Latest Guidance on Gyn Exams and Paps

Hello Everyone, 
I wanted to discuss women’s gynecological exams and pap tests because I have noticed that some of you are confused about how often to get these exams and at what age they can be discontinued. 

Why is it important to have these exams?  The gynecological exam is a normal part of the physical exam for women.  We are looking for signs of infection, abnormal growths on the ovaries, uterus and external genitals and testing for early stage precancerous conditions that have no external signs or symptoms.  

At what age should I start having these exams?  You should start these exams at age 21 and have one including a pap test every 3 years until age 29.  At that point, women ages 30-65 have 3 options:  A pap and HPV test every 5 years, just an HPV test every 5 years or a Pap test alone every 3 years. 

In addition to these screenings, you should have a pelvic exam if you notice any changes such as abnormal bleeding, pain, vaginal discharge, vulvar changes, pelvic discomfort or infertility.

At what age should I stop having these exams?  Women over age 65 do not need to have the pap test if they have had several negative tests within the prior 10 years, however they may still need pelvic exams.  Additionally, women who have had a hysterectomy for non-cancerous reasons do not need pap tests.  

What is the pap test?  This is a procedure designed to screen for cervical cancer.  A plastic brush is used to collect cells from the cervix which are then sent to a laboratory to be examined for pre-cancerous or cancerous changes.

What is the HPV test?  This is a test that can be done by itself or added to the pap test in which a swab or plastic brush is used to collect cervical cells which are then tested to see if they contain high risk types of Human Papilloma Virus which is the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer.  Presence of the high risk strains does not mean that you have cervical cancer, but your risk is higher.  You may need to have the pap test done more frequently or your doctor may recommend further testing.  

In my practice, I offer pelvic exams, pap tests, HPV tests and testing for sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas, HIV, herpes and hepatitis.  Please contact me if you have further questions about these exams or would like to schedule a visit!