Fall Allergies and Viral Infections

As the autumn foliage changes, our local sagebrush (artemisia tridentata) and rabbit brush (chrysothamnus) are in their full glory as well.  For those who are susceptible, this might cause sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy red swollen eyes, respiratory problems and more.  To confuse matters, I am seeing a number of patients with viral infections right now which are causing some of the same symptoms.  One way to distinguish between allergy symptoms and a viral infection is that you may have fever, chills and body aches with a virus but not allergies. 
To prevent and treat these ailments, I love Plantiva products.  Aller Dx is a Chinese herbal formula designed to quickly relieve allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion and airway inflammation.  Their Immune Dx is a fabulous way to stay healthy through cold and flu season, especially if you are under stress and are exposed to infections frequently.  Cold Dx will often nip an infection in the bud if taken right away at the first sign of a viral infection. 
Contact us if you have further questions or if you feel one of these is right for you!  These products are available in my office, not the online store.  We are happy to ship to you if needed.

When and Why to Check Hormones

Have you thought about getting your female hormone levels checked but are confused about when or why to do it?  See below to figure out if it makes sense for you and when to schedule your appointment. 

You might benefit from checking your hormone levels if you

  • Are trying to get pregnant and are over age 35 OR have been trying for over 6 months without success at any age. 

Are experiencing symptoms such as: 

  • Hair loss
  • Excess hair growth on your face
  • Adult acne
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Cyclical migraines
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep changes in your 40s
  • Mood changes in your 40s

The most accurate time to draw blood to check hormone levels is on day 21 of your menstrual cycle.  Day 1 is the first day of your period, so you need to start counting from that day.  If your cycles are much longer or shorter than average, check with me to determine the best time to draw blood.  If you have stopped having periods, the blood draw can occur on any day. 

Contact us if you have more questions about this or would like to schedule an appointment!

Introducing David Malin, DD, PT

Some of you may have noticed by the yellow sign on my office door that I have a new provider seeing clients in my office.  David Malin, DD, PT is a multi-talented practitioner who has 45 years of experience in the healing arts.  He is a licensed physical therapist and holds a doctor of divinity degree but has undergone extensive training in a number of other modalities including polarity therapy, massage, osteopathic techniques and reading auras and chakras.  He has taught his multi-dimensional approach to healing worldwide and published a book called “Embracing Change:  Transforming Life’s Challenges with Courage and Grace” which is available for purchase in my office. 

At this time, he is offering his services which will be hands on and energetic depending upon the level of restriction and may involve working with the nervous system, cranium, viscera/organs or musculoskeletal structures.  His work with the energy field is always well grounded in the anatomy and physiology of the body.  He may energetically test for herbs and supplements or make up patient-specific remedies to help promote healing. 
Take a look at his website letyourlightshinehealing.com for more information about his experience and services or to book an appointment! 

July / August 2022 Schedule

Hello Everyone, 
I will be out of the office from July 26th to August 9th. Lisa will be in the office Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm during that time to assist you with appointments, supplement refills and anything else that you need.  Keep in mind that you can also book appointments and refill most supplements via my website.  I hope you are all having a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you soon!

Help Expand Access to Naturopathic Medicine

Hello Everyone, 
It’s Naturopathic Medicine Week and we are advocating to help educate lawmakers at the national level that naturopathic medicine is safe, effective and affordable health care.  Naturopathic students and doctors are having critical meetings with lawmakers to educate them on the vital work we do and the barriers to care that patients face.  
Their message to congress is clear:  licensed naturopathic doctors play a vital role in providing whole person care. 
You can help amplify their voices!  Take two minutes to fill out the action alert below and let your elected officials know that increasing patient access to NDs is necessary and urgent. 

In celebration of this week, I am offering discounts!  Through the end of the week, get 10% off all supplements (in the office and in my online store Fullscript), 10% off Vitamin B12 injections and 10% off my new Hormone Balance Cleanse.

Please contact us with any questions,


Naturopathic Medicine Week

May 15th – 21st was designated Naturopathic Medicine Week by the U.S. Senate in 2013.  The resolution recognizes the value of naturopathic medicine in providing “safe, effective and affordable healthcare” and encourages Americans to learn about the role of naturopathic doctors in preventing chronic and debilitating conditions.  In honor of all of you who recognize the value of my profession, I am offering the following specials: 

10% off all supplements ( in the office and in my online store Fullscript) 
10% off Vitamin B12 injections 
10% off my new Hormone Balance Cleanse Package 

Please contact us for more information!

Homeopathy Success Stories

Homeopathy is a modality using extremely dilute amounts of mostly plant and mineral substances to stimulate healing.  It was developed over 200 years ago in Germany by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann to replace many of the toxic substances used as medicines at the time.  Homeopathy is very popular in many parts of the world including Europe, Australia and India but is not as well known in the United States.  I have used this treatment in my practice for over 17 years and find it very helpful in many different situations.  I wanted to share just a few examples from the last few months of some of the varied uses for this amazing medicine. 

1.  A five year old with extremely disruptive and destructive behavioral issues was treated with homeopathy and is now able to attend school and her parents can now relax and enjoy her company because the difficult behaviors have resolved. 
2.  An 85 year old who has had Trigeminal Neuralgia for over 40 years and typically experiences excruciating facial nerve pain daily has now gone 6 weeks with only an occasional mild twinge.  I expect her to continue to improve over time. 
3.  Two different patients in their 40s with hormone imbalance causing swelling and water retention have both seen the swelling resolve and have also lost weight. 
4.  A 67 year old patient who developed a long list of symptoms over several months after receiving several vaccines and completely puzzled his doctors has seen 75% of his complaints disappear in 2 weeks. 

This is just a short list of the recent results I have seen with homeopathy.  Please call us to schedule an appointment if you are interested in a homeopathy consult!

Spring Winds, Allergies and Sinusitis

Those of you who live in Colorado know what spring wind is all about.  Ushering in the change of seasons with blowing dust, pollen and smoke in the dry air is pretty irritating to the delicate lining of the nose and sinuses.  This is the time of year that I see the most nasal and sinus congestion and even sinus infections in my practice.  I recommend using a saline nasal spray or neti pot daily to rinse out dust, pollen and other particulates and keep the tissue moist.  I also have several solutions for allergy symptoms and sinus infections on hand in my office.  For allergies, I love Aller Dx or Quercetin and Vitamin C.  For sinus infections, the tried and true combination of Berbercap and Bromelain is a winner.  Let us know if you need help finding the right treatment to keep you comfortable during this season.  

March and April Office Schedule

Hello Everyone, 
I’ll be out of the office from March 28th to April 4th.  I’ll be back in the office Tuesday April 5th.  While I’m away, Lisa will be at the front desk to assist you on Monday March 28th from 9 am to noon, Tuesday March 29th from 9 am to 11 am and Wednesday March 30th from 9 am to noon.  You may also book appointments and refill most supplements via my website.  Due to the fact that I’ll be out for a week, I am extending the special Health Fair Lab pricing into the first two weeks of April.  Please contact us soon if you would like to take advantage of it!  

Spring Hormone Balance Cleanse

It’s time to do a cleanse!  Have you been feeling bloated or is your skin breaking out?  Having difficult periods or mood swings?  Hot flashes and night sweats?  I’ve designed a new cleanse specifically for you!  While looking for ways to address my own peri-menopausal symptoms, I have come up with a three week protocol to get your liver metabolizing hormones more effectively, your blood sugar balanced and inflammation levels down.  These three elements are the keys to hormone balance. 
The Hormone Balance Cleanse Package includes complete dietary and lifestyle instructions, recipes, Thorne Mediclear Plus protein powder and Metagenics Ultra Flora Balance probiotic.  Mediclear Plus is a rice and pea protein-based nutritional supplement, with a complete multi-vitamin/mineral profile, additional detoxification cofactors, and well-absorbed botanical phytosomes. 
The cost of the cleanse package is $147.00.  Let us know if you are ready to start feeling better!  Call, email or send a message in the patient portal and we can get you set up with everything you need.

March Health Fair Lab Special

Hello Everyone, 
Another reminder that the Health Fair Lab Special is back for the month of March!  This is a fantastic time to assess your overall health and screen for problems like prediabetes, high cholesterol, low thyroid, low iron, immune deficiencies, kidney and liver disease, prostate cancer and more.  Call now to schedule your morning blood draw as those time slots will fill up fast!  Make sure to fast on water only for 12 hours prior to your blood draw for the most accurate results.  I look forward to seeing you soon!

Health Fair Lab Special

Hello Everyone, 
The Health Fair Lab Special is back for the month of March!  This is a fantastic time to assess your overall health and screen for problems like prediabetes, high cholesterol, low thyroid, low iron, immune deficiencies, kidney and liver disease, prostate cancer and more.  Call now to schedule your morning blood draw as those time slots will fill up fast!  Make sure to fast on water only for 12 hours prior to your blood draw for the most accurate results.  I look forward to seeing you soon!

February Office Schedule

I will be out of the office from February 14th to the 18th.  Kiva will be at the front desk on Monday February 14th and Wednesday February 16th from 9 am to noon.  We will be back in for normal office hours starting on February 21st.  Please let us know if you need anything or would like to see me before that week.  Keep in mind that you can always book appointments and refill most supplements via my website as well.  

New Hormone Balance Cleanse

I am very excited to announce that I will be offering a new cleanse within the next month!  I have been developing the cleanse in response to some of my own personal challenges related to peri-menopause and am designing it to be helpful for women experiencing the following symptoms: 

  • PMS 
  • Hormonal Mood Swings 
  • Bloating 
  • Menstrual Cramps 
  • Acne 
  • Hot Flashes and Night Sweats 
  • Hormonal Weight Gain 
  • Recent Use of Birth Control Pills
  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles 

Stay tuned for more details coming soon!

Men and Children are Welcome!

After talking to several new patients recently, I realized that some of you are not aware that even though a big focus of my practice is women’s health, I also really enjoy seeing men and children.  Below are some of the most common concerns that I see these two groups for: 

General Check Ups with Screening Lab Tests
Acute Colds, Coughs, Sinus Infections, Etc. 
Digestive Problems 
Stress and Sleep Problems 
Anxiety and Depression 
High Cholesterol/Blood Sugar/ Blood Pressure 

Children and Teens
Well Child Visits and Sports Physicals 
Acute Colds, Coughs, Ear Infections, Etc. 
Digestive Problems 
Skin Problems 
Behavioral Concerns 
Anxiety and Depression 

These are not exhaustive lists by any means, so please contact us if you are wondering if I can help the men or children in your life!