Nutrient Deficiencies

Hello Everyone, 
I would like to discuss a topic whose existence in the United States would seem rare, but is actually quite common: nutrient deficiencies.  As the eighth wealthiest country in the world, one would think that most of us are well nourished and have access to a variety of foods.  In fact, even among my patients who are generally more knowledgeable about nutrition than the rest of the population, I see nutrient deficiencies all the time. 
The basic causes of nutrient deficiencies are inadequate intake, inadequate absorption and increased need for certain nutrients. 
The populations who are most at risk of nutrient deficiency are women of childbearing age, pregnant and lactating women, children, teens, older adults, obese individuals and the critically ill.  I also often see vegetarians and vegans with deficiencies.  
Certain medications such as acid blockers used for acid reflux and certain medical conditions such as Celiac Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease specifically increase risk. 
The nutrients most commonly found deficient include Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Essential Fatty Acids, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium and Iodine. 
The best way to determine if you have nutrient deficiencies is to test your blood levels.  It can be harmful to take excess amounts of some of these nutrients if you don’t need them.  Please contact us if you would like to schedule a time to check your levels.  I also plan to hold my annual Health Fair Lab Special during the month of March which can include some of the nutrients I mentioned above. 

I look forward to seeing you soon!