Vitamin B12 Shots

Hello Everyone, 
Vitamin B12 is a crucial nutrient for energy production and nervous system function.  Anyone can develop a Vitamin B12 deficiency at any age, however there is a higher risk for deficiency if you are:
Vegetarian or vegan
Over age 60
Have digestive problems affecting absorption of nutrients
History of gastric bypass surgery
Sjogren’s Disease
Drink alcohol to excess

Additionally, the following medications can cause a Vitamin B12 deficiency: 
Acid blockers such as proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers
Metformin (used to treat diabetes) 
Oral birth control pills 

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency can include: 
Low appetite 
Sore mouth or tongue   
Numbness and tingling in hands and feet 
Vision Problems 
Memory Problems/Confusion 
Problems walking or speaking  

Some people have trouble absorbing Vitamin B12 from food and oral supplements so I often recommend injections to bypass the digestive system.  This can be a very effective way to feel better quickly.  Let us know if you would like to give one a try.  You can buy a single injection or buy 5 injections and get your 6th for free.  They are typically administered once per week to once per month depending upon the situation.  Contact us for more information!